
MISSION STATEMENT: We commit to providing high quality cutting edge computer hardware products, valuable information and excellent services to computer enthusiasts.





One aspect of computing which has really turned me on is the speed at which advances are taking place in the computer industry.  I like the fact that someone can get a kick ass computer system now and it becomes low end stuff in just a year.  Computers promote equality!


   e-mail tony










The aspect of computing that I enjoy the most is building computers.  It is always fun to buy new hardware and discover that the difference made is like night and day.  Gaming is designed to immerse you in an experience that you likely cannot enjoy in real life, mainly because it is dangerous and/or too expensive.  The hardware that we use makes these experiences more immersive and more life like, so the quality of the gaming goes up.

Power Supply Modification Article 08/11/2000

e-mail george






No longer with PHAM Computer


     e-mail thanh









In terms of computing, I believe it's all about money and power.  That is, the best performing computer system for your money.  Perhaps the most time I have ever spent with a computer was when I was preparing special audio and visual data files for an undergraduate laboratory project.  With the speed of computer technological advancement, I was always happy to know that I could find ever more powerful computer hardware to build a high performance and reliable computer system for my academic, and of course recreational needs.

A Few Notes about Senfu OverClocker's House 09/01/2000

e-mail quang




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