section is the trickiest part of this whole
Let us look at the anatomy of the
connectors first.
It is basically a thin strip of metal
wrapped around at the end.
Then it has two sets of “wings” or
“clamps” that have been folded over.
The first set has been folded over very
loosely over the plastic part of the wire.
Then the second set has been machine
pressed into the metal.
By looking at it, there is absolutely no
way you will be able to pry
the second set open, so we will not bother.
But the first set of clamps is rather
easy to do.
So take your slotted screwdriver and pry
open the first set of clamps being careful not
the break them.
Pry them open enough that you can move
the plastic part out.
Now take the wire cutters and cut the
wire at the very base of the second set of
clamps. You’ve
freed one of the connectors.
Now do the same for the other and you are
done. Keep
the connectors, but you can do whatever you want
to do with the fan.
You don’t need it anymore.